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Lead with your strengths in foster care

Familiar with foster care, it was a no brainer for Julian and his wife to become foster parents. But Julian quickly learned how to put his skills and strengths to work to best care for the kids in his home.

We’ve been waiting for you

Refugee foster parents welcome teens into their home and family

Building a relationship with your kids’ biological families

Learn how Alecia and Ryan practice intentional openness, by ensuring their four adopted children stay connected to their family members.

If not you, who? 

Time is running out for many older children in foster care. You could be the family they need now.

In my worst moments, my family had my back

When her marriage and her world fell apart in one day, Bobbi’s family came through in every way so she and her children could be together.

Trafficked by her own family: Julia’s story

Betrayed by her family into years of forced labor, Julia had lost hope. But her foster family helped her discover her worth.

Foster care adoption adds two plus three, making one

Two families with no other connection adopted three siblings and became one big family for each other.

Former Vietnamese refugee fosters six refugee youth

As a foster parent, Phillip provides a safe home for refugee youth who escape a dangerous childhood and come to the U.S. without a family. He knows what they’ve been through—this was his story too.

Rising to the challenge in Ethiopia

Through our partnership with the Ethiopian government and a local hospital, we work to reduce the risk of the virus’s spread, while continuing to place children into safe, loving families.

Parenting During a Crisis

Are you struggling with stress and anxiety regarding the Coronavirus pandemic as a parent? Are you uncertain how to answer your child or teen's questions about COVID-19 and their feelings about the current situation? Answers to these questions and general information on how to deal with other crises will be discussed during this training.

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