Refine Search
Viewing 41-50 of 68
We have a window of now
After losing their son and providing refugee foster care, Keith and Sally knew they could give more older kids a loving home through foster care adoption.
Who’s got your back
Raising children as a single parent or parenting through foster care or adoption can be challenging. Maybe you need help, but you're afraid to ask your friends and family again. Explore new avenues for support by identifying the kind of help you need.
I have his eyes: An adoptee reunites with her birth father
After a successful search and reunion with her birth father, adoptee Melinda invests time and understanding in their growing relationship.
Choosing community
Although some won’t understand what the adoption process is like, don’t discount the strength and encouragement waiting families can find in community.
What I learned as a transracially adoptive parent
You can meet the challenges that come with transracial adoption. Seek advice from others, keep learning, and keep talking with your children about race.
Ethiopian families and alternative family-based care
In response to the worldwide orphan crisis, we connect children in need with families in their country of origin.
Families instead of orphanages
Family-based care offers a proven solution to protect vulnerable children around the world. Through partnerships with local child welfare organizations, we prevent families from placing children in orphanages.
The changing landscape of international adoption: Where we’ve been and where we’re going
Bethany spearheads efforts to change the emphasis from bringing children to the U.S. to instead finding adoptive homes for children in their home countries.
Helping women make a plan
The women seeking help with unplanned pregnancies today aren’t who you think.
The plans God had for me
Battling addiction and facing an unplanned pregnancy, Gloria drove first to an abortion clinic. But then her GPS gave her a surprising new direction.