A helping hand to raise two little boys
When Brijon found out she was pregnant with twins at age 18, she didn’t know where to turn.

When Brijon found out she was pregnant with twins at age 18, she didn’t know where to turn. She thought, “How am I going to become the mom I want to be?”
She decided to parent her boys, but then her mother passed away. Her mother had been her support system, her babysitter, and her rock.
Without support, she didn’t know how she’d remain able to care for her boys. So, feeling she had no other choice, she made the difficult decision to place her boys for adoption. All she wanted was to ensure Isaac and Isaiah received the lives they deserved.
When Brijon contacted her pregnancy counselor, Dawn, who had helped Brijon during her first pregnancy, Dawn was once again ready to provide a listening ear.
Brijon wrestled with a life-altering decision: raise her twins or make an open adoption plan. “I didn’t want my boys to suffer just because I was suffering,” she explained.
The more Dawn listened to her, the more it became apparent that Brijon desperately wanted to raise the boys herself. She just needed some help and a little hope.
Dawn shared with Brijon our Safe Families for Children ministry, in which a loving Host Family would care for her boys while she resolved her circumstances and found a stable job. She knew this was an answer to prayer. She could keep her family together – in a stronger home environment.
While Isaac and Isaiah were with their Host Family, Brijon received guidance, resources, and support to regain stability. While being away from her boys was heartbreaking, she knew she needed the time to get back on her feet. Because this was a voluntary choice, she was able to visit with them whenever she wanted.
After several months, Brijon was able to bring her boys back into her home. Today, the boys are thriving – and Brijon is filled with love for her children.
Moving forward, Brijon has a clear message for her boys about the importance of family. “I want them to know that, before anything else, there was family. We were always there.”
If you find yourself in a difficult crisis, unable to care for your children the way you’d like, help may be available to you. Our Safe Families program finds families to care for your children, giving you time to stabilize your family – and reunite in a stronger home environment. Let us help you find a temporary, safe family for your child.