Your adoption journey begins here
Your adoption journey begins here
Explore the types of adoption
Foster Care Adoption
More than 25 percent of children in foster care in the U.S. are waiting to be adopted. The goal of foster care adoption is to unite children with a stable, nurturing family.
Infant Adoption
When an expectant parent chooses adoption for their baby, Bethany offers support and helps them find the adoptive parents they desire for their child.
Adoption Around the World
Whenever possible, we work to connect children in need with adoptive families in the child's country of origin.

Adoption is not a single event
Adoption is a journey, not a single event. Adoption is both a legal and emotional process, as families build bonds of love, commitment, and attachment.
It takes planning to find the path that suits you. It takes preparation to navigate the inevitable twists and turns of parenting. While it’s not always easy, the rewards are great, and you will not be alone.
We’re here to walk with you as you travel toward your ultimate goal of welcoming a child into your family. It will be life-changing for all of you.
There’s life after aging out of foster care
After 10 years in foster care and aging out without a family, Brittney refuses to be defined by statistics and instead is following her dreams.
Loving a child will change your life
When considering adoption, prospective parents may be looking (consciously or unconsciously) for a child who will “fit” their family. But waiting children in foster care need families who will make room for them and welcome them as they are.
Is my open adoption safe?
Adoptive parents may wonder if it’s safe for their child to have an open relationship with birth parents who have a history of substance use. These questions and tips will help you set boundaries and adjust expectations.
Contact us
When you’re ready to take the next step, we'll connect you with an adoption specialist in your area. You'll also be emailed a packet of additional information.
Attend a meeting
Find a location and sign up for a free informational meeting.